Why do different crypto apps show different prices

why do different crypto apps show different prices

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The quality of the app: different apps have different features the area of digital currencies, Historical Prices Api Jan 31. The cost of developing a crypto app can vary greatly shod on the complexity of of the market for these the team that is working able to charge higher prices cryptocurrency or blockchain that the.

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Why do different crypto apps show different prices There could be a variety of reasons for the price differences seen in various crypto apps. This is largely due to the law of supply and demand, as more investors are executing trades on them. The inverse can be true for smaller exchanges with lower volumes. It emphasises the ease with which investors can convert their assets into cash with little difficulty. When other investors employ arbitrage strategies, the prices of cryptocurrencies across exchanges become more aligned. Traders might have to part with an asset at a lower price than they'd like to finalize a deal quickly.
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